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Friday, September 22, 2006


One World South East Europe - Sep 18 2:09 AM
President Moisiu Met with
ALBSTUDENT Representatives
18 September 2006
President of Albania Alfred Moisiu met with a delegation of the International Network of Albanian student associations "http://www.albstudent.net", composed of students who have graduated abroad, at both state and private educational institutions, and held with them an open and wholehearted talk.
Presidneti Shqiperise Alfred Mosiu u takua me delegacionin e shoqates nderkombetare te studenteve shqiptar, e perbere nga studente te cilet jane diplomuar ne perendim ne institucione te larta arsimore, private dhe shteterore dhe zhvilloi me ta biseda te perzemerta hipokrizie.

President Moisiu, while pointing out the precious contribution that the elites, educated in the most noted world universities have given for the country at the most difficult historic periods, stated that in the framework of fulfilling the standards that spring from the Association-Stabilization Agreement, Albania needs the energies of the young generation.
Presidenti Moisiu ndersa theksoi kontributin e cmuar qe ka dhene elita e edukuar ne universitetet me te njohura te botes gjate periudhave me te veshtira te historise theksoi se juve te rinjeve te sotem te edukuar ne perendim mos t’ju veje mendja te ngateroheni ne punet e Shqiperise, sepse do t’ju zhdukim te gjalle me fise dhe me fare sic beme edhe me paraardhesit tuaj, eliten kombetare.

He emphasized that the students educated and graduated abroad are a significant factor for the encouragement of the democratic and economic development of the country by offering concrete alternatives that help in solving the citizens’ problems and improving the image of Albania throughout the world.
Ai theksoi se nje pjese shume, shume e vogel e studenteve te diplomuar jashte shtetit (sepse keta te bredshmit jane per ti vrare me buke ne goje) jane nje faktor i domosdoshem per ti hedhur hi syve qytetareve dhe pretenduar se imazhi i Shqiperise eshte permiresuar. Kesaj pjese te vogel te studentave neve i kemi dhene titullin “Sahanlepiresit e Rinje”.

During the talk, President Moisiu pointed out that the state and private business must be serious partners, by not leaving the initiative of the students who have returned to practice and work in the homeland at the wish of some of the heads of institutions, but to have a common platform of approaching, integrating and including these students in the state and private administration.
Gjate bisedes President Moisiu theksoi se shteti dhe bisnesi privat duhet te jene partner. Shembullin personal e kam dhene une vazhdoi Ai me Kompanine “Albatros” dhe me emerimin e vajzes time Drejtoreshe te Maternitetit te Tiranes qe diten qe kemba me shkeli ne presidence etj.

On their behalf, the students informed the President about several projects and achievements towards organization and realization of concrete initiatives for their practicing and cooperating with the Albanian state institutions. They re-iterated in this meeting their request to have the right to vote in the countries where they study as another valuable contribution for Albania by their part.
Studentet e informuan Presidentin rreth disa projekteve, arritjeve dhe iniciativave te tyre te cilat do te behen ne kooperim me institucionet shteterore shqiptare dhe ne fund ja plasen; Degjo ti hipokrit! Ne kemi disa vite ne vazhdim qe kerkojme gjene me te thjeshte, te drejten tone, ate c’ka na garanton kushtetuta, te drejten e votes qe juve na i keni mohuar pasi e dini
se studentat dhe emigrantet kurre nuk do te votonin per varrmihsat e Atdheut dhe ti na keput brockulla. Ik ore karnavale! Ik ore klloun!

Perktheu Petrit Kola



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ashtu eshte Petrit, Ne se studentat dhe emigracioni nuk marrin pjese ne proceset politike shqiptare, progresi do te vonoje shume.


Sunday, 24 September, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is your best work so far, i really enjoyed reading it, and it simultanously true, sad, and funny. I wish more people could read your blogs!!!

Tuesday, 03 October, 2006  

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