
Shqiperine Etnike e kishim realitet por na e shendruan ne ender. Eshte detyra e jone ta shendrojme endren e Shqiperise Etnike ne realitet . Beje ose vdis!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Kuvendoj me Perendimin

Perendimi beri pakt me Djallin dhe rrezikon te humbi popullin shqiptar
duke vene keshtu ne pikepyetje ballancat Ballkanike dhe me gjere.

Perse pakt me Djallin?

Ne fund te viteve 1980-te dhe fillim te viteve 1990-te kur ne skenen
boterore po ndodhnin ndryshime te pashmangshme ne Shqiperi si i vetmi
partner biznesi u paraqit Djalli. Realitetet ishin te atilla por edhe
Djalli me mjeshteri e luajti karten e vet.

1-Ne realitet forcat progresiste, nacionaliste ose ishin inegzistente
ose shume te dobta. Per rreth 60 vjet ato forca ose ishin likuiduar
fizikisht ose ishin friksuar aq shume sa qe ishin vene me hire e me pa hire
ne sherbim te Djallit qe i bente ato te perjetonin cdo sekond Ferrin.

2-Djalli me mjeshteri e luajti karten e terrorit duke bindur Perendimin
se nje kasapane gjigande do te ndodhte ne se Perendimi do te zgjidhte
forcat e dobta progresiste si partnere ne biznes dhe keshtu marrveshja
u nenshkrua dhe maskarada filloi, ku diplomate te huaj perendimor
merrnin pjese ne aktivitetet politike te partive (PD, PR...) te ideuara nga
Ramiz Alia (ish sekretari i pare i PPSH-se) dhe ndertuara nga Gramoz
Ruci (ish minister i puneve te brendeshme). Faktet e perditshme ne
shtypin shqiptar dhe sidomos ato te dhena nga zoti Kastriot Myftaraj nuk lene
vend per dyshim se partite "opozitare" te asaj kohe (viteve 1990-te)
ishin veper e sigurimit te shtetit. Maskarada Djall-Perendim filloi dhe
mjerimi total shqiptar dhe rrezikimi i interesave perendimore ne
rajonin e Ballkanit po harrin pika te rrezikshme pasi Perendimi po humbet
popullin shqiptar.
Carta bianca perendimore dhene Pratise se Punes dhe Sigurimit te
Shtetit duke u keqperdorur nga keta kundra vete popullit te tyre dhe
Perendimit, po bene cdo dite qe shqiptaret te humbasin ne permasa tragjike te
rrezikshme besimin tek Perendimi duke rrezikuar vete egzistencen e tyre
si komb (pa alencen perendimore shqiptaret jane ne pikepyetje) dhe vene
ne rrezik ballancat Ballkanike.

Duhet vepruar

Sot eshte vone. Neser nuk do te kete kthim.
Ne se Perendimi e ka te veshtire te pranoje haptazi fiasko-politiken ne
lidhje me Shqiperine, ai duhet te marri masa te forta, te hapura,
konkrete per ndryshimin e gjendjes pasi interesi eshte i perbashket.
Vetem sinjalet per ndryshim dhene nga zyrtare te niveleve te larta te
Perendimit nuk mund te ngjallin besimin e vrare dhe te kthejne shpresen
e humbur shqiptare.
Punet kane shkuar shume thelle. Masa konkrete dhe publikimi i tyre jane
sherrimi, ndryshe fjale, vetem fjale...
Bllokimi i pasurive maramendese te grabitura te politikaneve dhe
qeveritareve shqiptar qe gjenden kryesisht ne Perendim dhe ndalimi i hyrjes
se tyre ne vendet Perendimore jane masa konkrete qe do te ndryshojne
menjehere besimin dhe mentalitetin shqiptar duke bere te mundur
ndryshimin shume te shpejte te realiteteve politike ne kahjen pozitive, c'ka do
te sjelle zhvillimin e Vendit. Nje Shqiperi e begatuar eshte edhe nje
interes Perendimor. Le te punojme se bashku.

Petrit Kola

O i larti Skenderbe!

Letter from Skanderbeg to the Prince of Taranto:
ÒGiorgio, gentleman of Albania, to Giovanni Antonio,
Prince of Taranto, greeting.

Having made a truce with the enemy of my religion I
have not wanted that my friend remain (fraudato) of my
aid. (Spesse?) times, Alfonso, his father, invited my
help while I waged war against the Turks. Therefore I
would be very ungrateful if I had not resisted
(lÕistesso?) service to his son. I remember what your
king did because now (non deve vedere succedergli?)
this who is his son? You adored his father, and why
now do you try to throw out his son? Where did this
power come from? Who has the power to set up the King
of Sicily, you or the Roman Pontiff?
I came to aid Ferrante, son of the king and seat of
the Apostolica. I came opposing your unfaithfulness
and innumerable great betrayals in this kingdom.
(NeÕ?) will you ever be unpunished for your perjury.
This is the reason for my war against you. I merit
this no less than I merited making war against the
Turks, nor are you less Turk than them. (ImperoccheÕ
vi sono alcuni?) that guide you in a straight line not
to be of some sect. You my opponents the French and
the names of those people, and those for the religion
wage grand war.
I do not want to dispute ancient matters with you,
matters that perhaps were much less than what was told
about them. Certainly in our times the Aragonese
armadas have often coursed the Aegean Sea, have
plundered the Turkish coasts, have (riportata?) the
prey of the enemies; and even today the Aragonese
armies defend Troja from the jaws of the enemy. Why do
I remember the old things and leave the new parts? If
they change the family costumes and the plowmen of the
kingdom, and the kings of the plowmen return? (NeÕ
troverai nobilitaÕ piuÕ antica della virtuÕ.)
Nor can I deny that you are not with the obnoxious
French nation, (imperoccheÕ) you being mainly in aid
of King Alfonso, you hunted the French of this
kingdom. I do not know now what new virtue shines in
this. Perhaps it is some new star that you have now
seen among the French?
Moreover, you scorned our people, and compared the
Albanese to sheep, and according to your custom think
of us with insults. Nor have you shown yourself to
have any knowledge of my race. My elders were from
Epirus, where this Pirro came from, whose force could
scarcely support the Romans. This Pirro, who Taranto
and many other places of Italy held back with armies.
I do not have to speak for the Epiroti. They are very
much stronger men than your Tarantini, a species of
wet men who are born only to fish. If you want to say
that Albania is part of Macedonia I would concede that
a lot more of our ancestors were nobles who went as
far as India under Alexander the Great and defeated
all those peoples with incredible difficulty. From
those men come these who you called sheep. But the
nature of things is not changed. Why do your men run
away in the faces of sheep?
In the past the Albanese have (fatto?) experience if
the Pugilese were armed; (neÕ) I would again find some
who would have been able to aspired to my nature. I
have well noted from the back how many of your
soldiers are well armed but have never been able to
see their helmets or (tanpoco?) the face except those
that have become prisoners. (NeÕ?) I seek your house
(Bastandomi?) my own. Besides, it is well known that
you often would have shot your neighbors for their
possessions, as now you would force out the king of
your house and your kingdom.
(Che se?) If I fall in the difficult task I have
embarked on I will be buried as (mi vai?) wishing in
your letter, will bring back my soul as a reward from
the Chancellor of the universe, of God. Not only will
I have perfected my intention, but also I will have
planned and attempted some distinguished deed.
Good bye....Ó

Sharlatani i vitit 2007 Bamir Topi

Mora vesh se Bamir Topi eshte shpallur personaliteti i vitit 2007!!!
Ndoshta ne sharlatanizem sepse ne vitin 2007 ai bleu votat per president, kur e akuzuan ne publik nuk ja mbajti ti drejtohej gjykates, u betua per flamur te huaj dhe jo shqiptar, pasi vizitoi Maqedonine atje u masakruan shqiptar dhe prona e tyre, pasi vizitoi Maqedonine ai shtet ndaloi qarkullimin e shqiptareve, vizitoi Greqine dhe nuk na foli per camet, vizitoi Greqine dhe premtoi ti japi pronat qe nuk egzistojne te minoritareve...